Welcome to website of the ethnological museum of Algar de Palancia

It is curious, the intrinsic wisdom which the proverbs of our forefathers have. There is an one of them very ancient who says :

“By speaking people agree”

and in other one they recognize that :

“A picture is worth more than one thousand words”

and finally this other one :

“An object is the realization of an anxiety, a necessity, in summary of a dream”.

To be able to bring to our memory and to be able to understand: why? and how? life and usages of our forefathers was:

• First, ideal would be to gather the evidence of a person who lived in this time. And it is something of enough complicate.

• The second, power to enjoy graphics of this epoch, sheets, and drawings, or photographs. And it is much more accomplishable.

• thirdly, a thing which cools us and brings us a point light in memory, to be able, to know how the past of ours was. And for it, nothing better objects, tools, utensils and the others.

And it is with its form, with its function and with its marks, plans and printing, acquired by its usage, along the years, those who bring us and transmit its message. And it forms a part of the truth as a room of a brainteaser, necessary to be able to use complete History.

It is for this reason that it became the soul of the legend of the “ Museum Etnológico of Algar de Palancia: